Appliances Brand


Appliances Brand report for appliances by Kind and by Brand been serviced for a given period.

Appliances Brand - Desktop view
Appliances Brand - Mobile view


Appliances Brand - Report Pane
  1. Start Date for the report period.
  2. End Date for the report period.
  3. Appliance Kind that will be included. Can select one or many kinds at once.
  4. Insurance Company name where the service came from. Can select one or many insurers at once.
  5. MAKE REPORT button to generate the report.


Kind chart shows proportionally how many appliances are serviced, by Kind.

Appliances Brand - Kind Pane
  1. Count shows number of appliances per Kind.
  2. Pie chart shows proportionally number of appliances per Kind.
  3. Legend shows colors for appliances Kind included in the chart.


Brand is sorted, such that most appliances being serviced are at the top.
Clicking on any of the Brand or chart row, will show only Services having appliances of selected Brand.

Appliances Brand - Brand Pane
  1. Brand of the appliance.
  2. Count how many services include this specific appliance.


Appliances Brand - Services Pane
  1. Brand of appliance being selected.
  2. Date when service was created into the system.
  3. Status of the service.
  4. Name of the service.
  5. Insurer name where the service came from.
  6. Work Order from the insurer numbering.
  7. Pagination of the service list. You can select how many services to see at once, and going to Next/Previous result page.